Creating Investment Solutions- Green Global ESG Bond 4 matured on the 16th of July 2024. Green Global ESG Bond 4 delivered 33.00% Gross return for our clients over 3 years equating to 11.00% per annum, Click here for further details. Creating Investment Solutions- Green Global ESG Bond 4 matured on the 16th of July 2024. Green Global ESG Bond 4 delivered 33.00% Gross return for our clients over 3 years equating to 11.00% per annum, Click here for further details.
Creating Investment Solutions- Green Global ESG Bond 4 matured on the 16th of July 2024. Green Global ESG Bond 4 delivered 33.00% Gross return for our clients over 3 years equating to 11.00% per annum, Click here for further details. Creating Investment Solutions- Green Global ESG Bond 4 matured on the 16th of July 2024. Green Global ESG Bond 4 delivered 33.00% Gross return for our clients over 3 years equating to 11.00% per annum, Click here for further details.

2023 Seaspray Private Q3 Investment Update


As we enter the fourth and final quarter of 2023, US stock markets are up by 12% YTD, while European indices have appreciated by 10%, both in local currency terms. Equities have mostly benefitted from a more favourable economic backdrop than had been expected this year, and encouragingly we have also seen headline inflation continue to decline across developed regions. These factors have increased the probability of a ‘soft landing’ for the global economy – i.e. an economic slowdown without a recession. Bond markets, on the other hand, have been mixed over the quarter. A combination of persistent core inflation, aggressive central bank interest rate hikes, and a still robust US economy has caused bond yields to aggressively reprice higher to levels that have not prevailed in over ten years for some regions.

As the quarter ended markets began to feel that perhaps the phase of interest rate hiking might  be coming to an end. However, as the Chinese curse goes “may you live in interesting times” none more so than as we write, the sudden escalation in geopolitical risk driven by the recent Hamas attacks in Israel and the corresponding response from Israelis has suddenly heightened tensions in the middle east…..

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If you would like to discuss any of the above content or have a broader investment conversation please speak with one of our trusted advisors or contact us here: 
Phone:    +353 65 6710 507 

Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
Warning: The value of your investments may go down as well as up

Copyright Seaspray Private. 2022

Seaspray Private Ltd trading as Seaspray Private is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Registered in Ireland number: 692221. Copyright 2023 Seaspray Private Ltd.

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