Creating Investment Solutions- iEdge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bond matured on the 04th of December 2024. iEdge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bond delivered 13.60% Gross return for our clients over 16 months equating to 10.20% per annum. Click here for further details. Creating Investment Solutions- iEdge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bond matured on the 04th of December 2024. iEdge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bond delivered 13.60% Gross return for our clients over 16 months equating to 10.20% per annum. Click here for further details.
Creating Investment Solutions- iEdge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bond matured on the 04th of December 2024. iEdge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bond delivered 13.60% Gross return for our clients over 16 months equating to 10.20% per annum. Click here for further details. Creating Investment Solutions- iEdge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bond matured on the 04th of December 2024. iEdge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bond delivered 13.60% Gross return for our clients over 16 months equating to 10.20% per annum. Click here for further details.

Labour & Human Rights Policy

Introduction and purpose

Employee engagement, human rights and worker health and wellness is core to the long-term success of our business. At Seaspray Private Limited, we strive for a sustainable workforce that is stable, engaged and committed to the organisation, our goals and objectives. We respect and protect the rights of our people across operations and throughout our business relationships.

We are committed to ensuring that our employees are subject to fair working practices and are treated with respect. Within our business, the rights of our employees are respected by the implementation of this policy and our Code of Ethics.

Seaspray Private’s policies and codes are based on and fully respect the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles.


1. Non-discrimination

Seaspray Private shall not accept any form of discrimination against Seaspray Private people on the basis of race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, caste, national or social origin, property, birth, union affiliation, sexual orientation, health status, age, disability, or other distinguishing characteristics. Employment-related decisions, from hiring to termination and retirement shall be based on relevant and objective criteria. Seaspray Private has an Inclusion and Diversity policy that recognises difference as a positive element.

2. Forced labour

Seaspray Private shall prohibit any form of forced labour, including bonded labour, indentured labour, slave labour, or human trafficking. Seaspray Private employees shall be allowed to move around freely and leave their place of work when their work shift ends.

3. Child labour

Seaspray Private shall not condone the hiring of child labour under any circumstances. The minimum age for full-time employment in ‘regular work’ shall be 16 years old or the legal minimum age for employment, whichever is greater.

4. Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Seaspray Private shall respect employees’ rights to form, not join or join a labour union or other organisation of their choice, and to bargain collectively in support of their mutual interests without fear of punitive actions such as intimidation, harassment or termination of employment. If no legally recognised union exists in the area of operations, or if only state-authorised organisations are allowed, Seaspray Private shall respond to initiatives to establish internal means to achieving effective representation of workers’ interests.

5. Harassment

Seaspray Private shall protect workers from any acts of physical, verbal, sexual or psychological harassment, abuse or threats in the workplace by either their fellow workers or their managers.

6. Working hours, benefits and wages

Seaspray Private shall ensure, as a minimum, it adheres to all applicable laws or industry standards, whichever may be more stringent, relating to wages, working hours, overtime and benefits. Seaspray Private shall be committed to continuously developing employee skills and capabilities, and in providing opportunities for career advancement, see performance management. In the event of termination of employment, Seaspray Private shall meet or exceed applicable laws and industry standards.

7. Leave

Seaspray Private shall grant all employees the right to sick leave and annual holiday, as well as parental leave for employees who have to care for a new-born child or newly adopted child as provided by national legislation. Employees who take such leave shall not face dismissal or threat of dismissal, and subject to business conditions, shall be able to return to their former employment or equivalent employment on comparable terms of employment.

8. Employee contracts and letters

All Seaspray Private employees shall be provided with a written, understandable and legally binding contract/letter. Seaspray Private shall not rely on short-term or casual labourers, trainees or false apprenticeships to pay lower wages and offer fewer benefits. This relates to contracts and compliance and individual freelancers, contractors and consultants.


This policy applies to the management, employees, and contract workers of Seaspray Private Limited.


Seaspray Private Limited shall comply with the provisions of the labour and human rights policy as well as national laws and regulations.


Seaspray Private shall implement this policy in their daily work and shall take appropriate action to ensure that the provisions of this policy are communicated to their employees in their own language.

Compliance with policies, guidelines and codes shall be regularly tracked, and relevant corrective action plans identified and implemented. The policy forms a part of the Seaspray Private Code of Ethics. If Seaspray Private employees believe that they have experienced any mistreatment or have witnessed such in relation to the policy, they can raise this with management.

Seaspray Private shall periodically review the labour and human rights policy in order to ensure its continued adequacy and relevance for our business. The most recent version will always apply.


Line management is responsible for human rights and labour rights along with individual employees. All incidents will be reported as instructed by the Seaspray Private code of ethics.

This policy statement has the complete support of the Board of Directors and the Management team of Seaspray Private.